World Teachers’ day, October 5th.

Oct 5th was World Teachers’ day.  As influencers, counselors, educators and tormentors, teachers played a huge role in my life.  Here is a quick synopsis from my Irish country primary school.

Sr. Olivia, my first teacher in “babies” class in primary school.  That term wasn’t meant to be derogatory as I can imagine it would be perceived now.  Sr. Olivia loved to sing, she was funny, made faces in the classroom doors and was beloved by everyone.  She made going to school enjoyable and interesting.   I was 4 yrs old.

Sr. Albert.  I remember when she broke a ruler on my friend Patrica’s hand.  She had an aggressive streak, and then lost her voice and became a bit of a diva with her microphone and speaker system in the classroom.

Sr. Consilio: more of a strict teacher.  God forbid you got the answers wrong.  But she did smile from time to time.

Mrs. Leahy:  Everyone outside of her class feared her, but she treated everyone fairly and won the respect and admiration of her class.  She was my last teacher in Primary school.

I know many teachers, some are in primary & secondary schools, others are in university or special ed.  One thing in common is that they are all extremely committed to the kids in their class.  The other commonality is that their financial reward is paltry in comparison to their influence in a young person’s life.  UNESCO celebrates this year’s World Teachers’ day by taking a stand for teachers: raising awareness of the the crucial role teachers play in building the future.